
The charitable objects of the Trust (“the Objects”) are:

(a) To provide and establish community centre/s to promote fellowship, goodwill and understanding amongst the people of the varied, different and diverse backgrounds in New Zealand;

(b) To encourage members of the community to participate in voluntary, philanthropic, humanitarian and charitable services to assist the disadvantaged, poor, elderly, needy and the underprivileged;

(c) To facilitate the participation of younger members of the society in youth camps or similar undertakings or projects to enable them to recognise and develop their full potential, abilities and talents for their own individual wellbeing and that of the advancement of the larger community;

(d) To organise spiritual, philosophical, recreational and cultural activities for the younger members of the society to develop their self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence and to mould them into caring, compassionate, disciplined, law-abiding and responsible members of the community;

(e) To recognise and honour the contributions and sacrifices of the elderly in the society by facilitating and encouraging their participation in religious, cultural, recreational and social activities;

(f) To promote a better understanding and appreciation of the principles, philosophy, practices and teachings of the Hindu faith, spiritual and religious beliefs and Hinduism as a religion in general;

(g) To promote greater awareness, better understanding, mutual respect, unity, harmony and co-operation amongst peoples of diverse, ethnic, racial, spiritual, cultural and religious backgrounds;

(h) To organise and convene meetings, gatherings, classes, discourses, seminars, lectures to promote, foster, advance and enhance the knowledge, understanding, respect, and appreciation of the principles, philosophy and the teaching of the Hindu faith, spiritual and religious beliefs;

(i) To print, publish, sell, distribute, scriptures, booklets, publications, newspapers, materials which promote, foster, advance and enhance the knowledge, understanding of the principles, philosophy, practices and teaching of the Hindu faith, spiritual and religious beliefs and Hinduism in general;

(j) To organise, facilitate, hold, functions and events to mark, publicise and celebrate religious and cultural festivals and to demonstrate their significance in a multi-cultural and multi-religious society;

(k) To advance and promote educational, religious and cultural activities in the community for the well-being of the people of diverse and different spiritual, religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds;

(l) To build, erect and establish community centres, libraries, temples for worship and prayer;

(m) To establish contact, liaise, communicate, co-operate and maintain regular and on-going contacts with bodies, organisations and institutions which have similar aims and objectives as the Trust;

(n) To carry out such other charitable purposes as the Trustees of the Trust shall determine from time to time and/or which may be lawfully carried out under the laws of New Zealand.